February 3, 2021 Board Legislative & Public Affairs Meeting
Call to Order - 1. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
2. Pledges of Allegiance - U.S. and Texas
3. Comments and Announcements from Committee Chair, Committee Members,
and Executive Director
Sunset Advisory Commission Compliance Report and Hearing - Whitney Brewster
Call to Order
1. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum2. Pledges of Allegiance - U.S. and Texas
3. Comments and Announcements from Committee Chair, Committee Members,
and Executive Director
Sunset Advisory Commission Compliance Report and Hearing - Whitney Brewster
4. Consideration and Possible Recommendation for Action to the Full Board and
A. 87th Legislative Session Update - Caroline Love (BRIEFING ONLY)
B. Recommended Legislation for potential statutory changes to the 87th
Legislature under Transportation Code, §1001.025 - Caroline Love, Corrie
Thompson and Roland Luna, Sr.
- Preventing, deterring and detecting the misuse of dealer temporary tags
- Consumer protection and financial issues when a dealer goes out of business
including dealer surety bonds, and consumer reporting and credit issues
8. Adjournment
Items 4 & 8
BRIEFING AND ACTION ITEMS4. Consideration and Possible Recommendation for Action to the Full Board and
A. 87th Legislative Session Update - Caroline Love (BRIEFING ONLY)
B. Recommended Legislation for potential statutory changes to the 87th
Legislature under Transportation Code, §1001.025 - Caroline Love, Corrie
Thompson and Roland Luna, Sr.
- Preventing, deterring and detecting the misuse of dealer temporary tags
- Consumer protection and financial issues when a dealer goes out of business
including dealer surety bonds, and consumer reporting and credit issues
8. Adjournment
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